Sunday, December 24, 2006

OK, so what to do with it all?

All right, heck, if I have it, I might as well use it. SO I think what I'm a-gonna do, is have this be an invitation article site.
I think of some topic that I'm interested in, and invite people to contribute a few words or a short article.
Some possible future topics:

- women in the rabbinate: how can we fix the current inequities?
-women and halachah: what's your view?
-the recent tshuvah on homosexuality: what will it change? what won't it change? Did/do you struggle, and if so, with what?
- What is it to be an authentic Jew?
-What moves you spiritually?
-Do you think there's a diference between men and women rabbis in the way they perform their rabbinate?

Contribute your interesting topic here....

Stripped Bare

Stripped Down Soul: The topics will range across the board; from time to time, I may suggest a topic, but by and large, this is a forum for voices who aren't the usual prog celebrities (or at least not yet) to talk about what they are interested in, from spirituality, to text, to social transformation, and anything else that is niggling away at them.